Have you even been to a Once Upon a Child store? I hate their jingles sooooo much; I swore I would NEVER EVER GO THERE. But then Faux Martha called me and told me about a deal they were having and I caved! FULLY! I have bought pj's, toys, clothes, shoes and a Little Tykes car for the Boo Boo La La there. It is awesome.
The thing I have yet to understand is why they turn down some of my items. I mean really? Nothing that I bring is worn or stained....today they even turned down a NEW JACKET WITH CUTE PUPPY PURSE THAT STILL HAD THE TAGS ATTACHED???? My husband has a theory that they only take a percentage of your stuff and the more you go there the higher the percentage of stuff they will take. Hmmmmm. Wonder if he is right because they did take most stuff this time and it was my third sale to them. Also I am SHOCKED at the quality of some stuff they do stock. You really have to pick through to find cute things. If you choose to go plan for at least an hour, with kids closer to two.
This is the CUTE coat and purse that once upon a child *rejected*! Want it?

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