I spent 4 days and 4 nights drowning in sales training at the World Financial Center in NYC. My training room overlooked Ground Zero; it was very sobering and interesting to hear the stories that everyone had to tell.
The woman next to me in the photo has a husband who did not get out of bed for ten days after he made it home...he works on floor 24 next to Ground Zero and did that day as well.
SIDE NOTE: pick out the former NBA player in the photo. Jeff Howard got hired for my team just days before we went to training.
Before I left I packed in as much fun as possible with Boo Boo La La, she like the sharks at the zoo...I love the zoo.
After I returned...three hours later than I planned...thanks NWA! I spent my Saturday totally boring my friend Faux-Martha sleeping on her couch...the only excitement she and I had were the girls flinging things from the top of the stairs, Boo Boo La La throwing up, and a nice glass, or two or three, of wine. God BLESS Martha-becks! See ya Saturday for Atonement chicka!
And now I return home and had quite the week already...WITH NO NEW EPISODE OF PROJECT RUNWAY!?!! Is Tim Gunn trying to KILL me?
At least my husband found this in his pocket...a "gift" from a co-worker.
Last, but not least, I was reviewing my YouTube videos, I am BoogerPizzabuns there...and found this CLASSIC. Auntie Burb loves to play with the Boo Boo...she is the baby and before her there were FOUR BOYS! Enjoy Burb, she will grow up too fast for us not to play chase!
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