Grand Re-Opening!!!! Thanks Burg! You rock hard.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Thanks to a GROOVY contest last month I got a makeover!!!
And there were no visits from Clinton & Stacy, or Ty Pennington, or even a single gay man trying to get me to love my body - or wear better clothing!
Nothing happened except they picked MEMEMEMEMEMEME!!! and it is all about ME, isn't it?
Please enjoy the music we have selected for our wonderful grand re-opening. Yo Gabba Gabba - and probably only the sweet Faux Martha will recognize the band!
Play it loud tonight while the guys stink up your house playing poker and drinking beers!

And now ladies and gentleman, readers of all ages, the grand re-opening grand finale!!!!
I was told, "I'm afraid that if you don't post the poo picture, Becki and I will have to come and pelt you with olives on behalf of the BlogMommas community!"

The story behind this is that Boo Boo La La had been having trouble - she came in the kitchen and asked to get naked (normal two year old behavior, trust me). The next thing I knew she said, "MOM! COME LOOK! I POOPED!!!" and then she asked Daddy to come look, then Jake-y, then Sair, then Sair's boyfriend - he declined - and everyone told her it was the best poop ever!
Boo Boo said, "MOM, we better take a picture."

So we did.

You have now been BURGED at Mommy's New Nest. Enjoy the rest of your day.

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