And you make a FACE??
Kind of like this:
well, I am all for the season and the spirit - so I could not resist when I saw there was an opportunity to get creative with my giving...a VIRTUAL Secret Santa Gift Exchange -
Well, now we are talking!!! GAME ON!!!
I draw a wonderful woman Karen ZipDrive, who writes a blog called Pulp Friction
Karen, have you been a good girl this year? How about if we start you off with a nice home cooked meal courtesy of a Top Chef contestant -
And I went to Turkey to get you these great shoes, I think they are appropriate attire for the last supper at the White House.
Do not forget the convenient place to KEEP your shoes.
Then I saw you were having some trouble, Dear Karen, with your iPod iTouch, so iThought iWould get you this iClassy carrying case:
But why stop there? Why not get Dear Karen the whole kit and kaboodle from the local Mac Store???
Including a Airport - so she can have WiFi...
AND SINCE Dear Karen indicates she is "technology challenged" why not throw in some tech support???
Merry Christmas!
Ho Ho HO!

Oh my God! For a perfect stranger, you managed to select gifts for me that would make me collapse with glee in real life!
You must be a sensational Mommy!
Thank you so much for taking the time to do all this reaseach. You're the best!
Same here! I would love all of those! And the look on that precious mug is priceless!!!!
Way to go. Great gifts!
I am happy to have given!
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