Today is Norwegian Constitution Day, Syttende Mai - The 17th of May. And the picture above pretty much sums up the Norwegian spirit. They love the outdoors and doing crazy things!
In fact I was Russ in Norge - and played along with all the fun stuff that Russ do.
Ja, jeg spang nakken midt i byen! Nancy var med meg....hee hee.
I grew up surrounded by Norwegians!! I can sing their national anthem (Ja Vi Elsker . . ), make krumkake, varme polse, rommegrot, and sandbakkels. I owned an authentic Norwegian sweater. I got lots of rosmaling for wedding presents. I used to own a bunad. I've been trying to get away from you people all my life. Then I ended up in Northfield, MN - home of St. Olaf college and I just threw in the towel. Velkommen!
we are everywhere!!! ;)
One of my good friends from college moved there and is married with three boys - and I still exchange words of wisdom on facebook with one or two people I knew back in the day in Norway...
I had agreat friend all thru grade school into junior high, and she was from Norway. Her pictures were awesome and I loved to listen to her parents talk (in native tongue.)
I dated a blonde Norwegian dude once.
That's all I've got.
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