Boo Boo La La and I decided to take off to my Aunt Penny's and see my Grandma in the process. She is the last living grandparent I have and she is 95...so it is fun that my baby gets to see her...And my Aunt Penny - (she is awesome. I will have to talk about her some time because how many nearly 70 year old women do you know that are involved in their own home renovations? Seriously?)
My Grandma used to have us stay with her in the summer for a week or so - and we would go for weekends with our parents too - and Grandma always had fun things for us to do.
One of my favorite things were telling stories; you know when one person starts and then the next person adds on some more...
My Grandma was awesome at telling stories. And I loved telling her stories too.
So I felt bad when we were in the kitchen and I notice the photo above on her fridge & we just had no time for me to tell her the story of that photo. Everyone was rushing about to get her out the door for a doctor appointment and Boo Boo La La was trying to help ..."get Great-Grandma dress...I help her mama."
So here is the story. It is not long or complex, just cute.
One Friday night last winter T-Bone was going up to get J-Dogg at the hill after a long day of snowboarding. He had been talking about how J-Dogg always wanted to show off some "moves" when he got there...and I wanted to see too!!!
So, Boo Boo La La, T-Bone and I piled in the Aviator to go pick up the J-Dogg.
It was like an adventure and we were talking and laughing the whole ride up there...and this was the grin she had when we opened the car door after she had been "ohhing and ahhing" over the snowy and brightly lit hill.
We went up and got J-Dogg, he showed off for a good 20 minutes while we ran around at the base of the hill and took pictures.
It was the best.
The End
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