I know Chris Shaffer from working as a radio dj. Our paths crossed for a few years at KOOL 108 - he is a superduperextraspecialniceguy - so I feel bad about this exchange...but, I am sharing anyway! ;)
Last night watching the news Chris said something about the radar being "green and gold" for the Packer fans because of the rain.
I said, "Oh hush up Stillwater boy!"
The hubs responded - "Just kill him." (JOKING OBVIOUSLY!)
I responded, "Kill him? Just cut off his wiener!" (again JOKING!)
"THAT IS CRUEL", the hubs replied.
"Cruel? You wanted to kill him."
"Honey, ask any man, 'If you did not know it was coming, would you rather be killed or have your wiener cut off?' all of them will say, 'Kill Me.'"
You men are just about weird enough that his tale may be true....so, let me know.
KILL ME.....a life with out mini me...no thank you....lol
If cutting his hair would suck Garth's will to live- no weiner would suck my will to live-so-
I chose death
Thanks for visiting our blog. Today's post is hysterical - what is it with guys? OK, don't even get me going.
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