Dear Readers,
Please excuse Mommy Lisa from the Monday MeME because:
Please excuse Mommy Lisa from the Monday MeME because:
- She spent Thanksgiving with her MIL
- She drove 2 hours with her daughter to see her Grandmother and Aunt & Uncle on Friday -
- just to return on Saturday
- Go shopping at Trader Joe's
- Make super fabulous lasagna
- Teach Sunday School
- Finish homework
- Take Boo boo la la to the Y to go swimming (on the FREE WEEKEND at the Y) AND THEN
- process end of month items and leave work in time to go to her mom's house for a FINAL round of Thankgsgiving...
Happy Cyber Monday my bloggy friends.
Okay, you're excused...but only cuz you made super fabulous lasagna
I say you're excused too, because in the middle of all that you still managed to take a little one swimming.
I forgot all about our town's free turkey skate at the indoor rink. But I won't forget our Santa Skate!
You went swimming! I am so kidded out, I might go and take a nap.
The thought of being in a bathing suit right now ... not this baby bump ... not pretty! Although I bet the floating sensation would feel pretty awesome on my sore back ... tough call!
Glad you had a busy and enjoyable weekend ... take this week to recooperate ;)
Sounds like you either need a shot (of vodka...or rum...or insert liquor) or a nap! Good grief!
~Working Mommy
Come on by, stay for a while and leave a comment or two!
you had me at MIL. dear lawd, I totally forgive you
It's a wonder any of us find time to be on here, isn't it?
my life begins and ends at trader joes. seriously.
Oh and thanks for the birthday wishes!
You are defenitaly excused wow that is quite a bit you have been doing this week/weekend.
God bless don't forget to rest a little.
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