Some family news

Thursday, January 29, 2009

FYI, The superintendant, Stan Mack, outright lies. He insinuates that my dear step-son mooned the class when all that happend was he accidentally flashed when bending to pick up a pencil from the floor. The teacher, the asst. principal and the principal ALL agree it was an accident.

Anyone know if we can sue the superintendant for defamation?

Also, this was a first offense and the school policy calls for a WARNING and gives no other reasons to deviate from that policy. When you say "pants at the waist" and a kid accidentally flashes what is below that...then write that into your policy.

Dr. Monkey - watch your heart!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

First step: weave an a%%load of bacon into a cute little mat:

Next, jam itallian sausage of your choice over the top:

Fill with cooked bacon:

Roll, Roll, Roll your sausage...

Roll the bacon round and throw it in the smoker...


Wish you came up with this idea and grin anyway

Cut, Serve, Call the heart surgeon.

then if you live in my house furiously get rid of the stench of smoked bacon/sausage roll, or "Bacon Explosion"

Wordless Wednesday

I love winter, but this is funny.

Monday, January 26, 2009

It's winter in Minnesota
And the gentle breezes blow
Seventy miles an hour
At thirty-five below .
Oh, how I love Minnesota
When the snow's up to your butt
You take a breath of winter
And your nose gets frozen shut.
Yes, the weather here is wonderful
So I guess I'll hang around
I could never leave Minnesota
I'm frozen to the ground!

Friday, January 23, 2009

I guess she did have fun whilst we were rockin' the Xcel Energy Center with AC/DC.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

This is how I usually see Jake these to the hill board in hand.
He is a busy fifteen-year-old boy/man...with a girlfriend who plays basketball and friends that are older, younger and his own age. He is a people person, just like his dad, and "Gosh Darn it, People like Him."
When J-Dogg was just six I had been living with his daddy for about two months. I had the day off to hang with him and Sair and we went to the zoo - goofed off - the usual. We got home to make dinner and he comes in about five minutes before it is ready because,
"I want an oreo."
no, it is almost dinner time.
run off to his room & I chase him down
Jake, you don't hate me - you are mad at me. And that is OK. You can say whenever you want that you are mad at me...but not that you hate me. Okay?
"O.K. I guess."
Ever since then he and I just don't really fight. Yes, I get mad at him for this or that stupid thing he forgot to do - but, we don't fight. In fact, we have a lot of fun together - even last Monday at AC/DC or just goofing on Idol as we stand in the kitchen.
We get each other's jokes pretty well.
Here is a photo of him dutifully performing run after run (seriously like for 1/2 hour) at the hill so I could get some good camera bites in the dark - but he looks great.
Doesn't He?

Say Vandalay Industries....say Vandalay Industries...

Monday, January 19, 2009

I wonder if the model was old enough to have watched either the episode with the intern, or the falling down Georgie-boy running from Jerry's bathroom?


Sunday, January 18, 2009

So, I was thinking of doing a post about how much I love both my stepkids, but I want them each to have one.

Sair- bear is the most independant woman I know. And I like to believe that I and my family had at least 15 percent of a hand in that. We were talking a lot today and it made me think about it....

So, why do I think I have ANY thing to do with how independant this girl/woman is?

My mom and her get along so well - she usually drops everything when it comes to her.

Her views on love mimic mine

She gets along great with all her male relatives - I do not know ONE that she has major problems controlling with a witty comment or sideways glance, including my goofy brother...

I LOVE HOW MEAN SHE IS TO HER BOYFRIENDS...she is just how I want her to be, they are worshiping her and NOT vice versa.

She pities the girls who fall all over her little brother...although he is not bad to them, he is a bit of a play-er.

This is the girl who in third grade said - "I like divorce."

me: "okay, why?"

her: " because then you get more people who love you and care about you. More grandpa's and grandma's, aunts, uncles, everybody! It is awesome."

me: "yes you do."

isn't she awesome?

In the Spirit...

Friday, January 16, 2009

In the spirit of my positive resolution I just wanted to tell everyone who reads and/or comments on my blog.

Thank You

Your funny comments and positive responses to what I put out there really make me smile. I get a big boost of energy with your help - so again,

Thank You

Enjoy your weekend - see those of you coming to the party tomorrow! :)

Meme, meme, how I love ya, how I love dear old meme!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

themom tagged me, so as they say, I am it. No themom, can not be mad at you for tagging me at are too cute. (and I would be 'askeered of the gremlins in the floor too.)

The Rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you. (hi mom!)
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Six random things................

1) I am missing four adult teeth. Yes, this is really random isn't it? I do not have eyeteeth or two bottom molars for no reason other than they NEVER WERE EVER THERE! I had the corresponding baby teeth, but not the adult teeth. So I had to have braces to close the gaps and they filed two teeth so they looked like eyeteeth and people would not wonder what exactly was "off" about my smile.

2) I love the cold. No, I am does not bother me ONE LITTLE TINY BIT when the weather is super-duper cold. Now, I do not spend a lot of time outside in this sub-zero weather we have lately (MINUS 20 this morning as I drove to the Y at 4:45am) but I like it WAY better than hot. Which leads us to number...

3) I HATE TO SWEAT if I am not working out. Seriously it is terrible for me to sweat because it comes out my head and makes my fine, thin, blonde hair damp and dirty looking. If I am just sitting there and it is so hot I sweat...forgetaboutit.

4) I wish T-bone would eat squash and sweet potatoes. Yes, very random...but he absolutely hates any type of root veggie that is not a russet, red, or yukon gold - and all squashes. I always find cool recipes, then see 1/2 cup zucchini, and have to move on...or substitute.

5) My New Year's Resolution is to try and be positive, focus on the positive - it is tough and I only told my mom before today.

6) I loved loved loved loved every minute of being pregnant. I would do it again in a second - I loved eating, working out, being so tired on Friday night I rarely was able to watch What Not to Wear on television and usually fell asleep while watching. It was awesome and I was super jealous when my pal Faux Martha had a second so fast...I wished I could do it again too. But, I hated the "medically challenged" method I had to use to get pregnant - sooooo, no go. Well, that and we have two other kids, my steps are pretty fun too & three is quite enough.

So, there you go six randoms about ME!

To tag SIX people I need to tag some that may not know me very well -

Karen Zipdrive
My Favorite Dr. Monkey
Faux Martha
MamaNeena - I heart your blog
This one chick who is afraid to procreate...
Chris and her Rockin' Diet Coke

Have at it my lovely little random bloggers.

Blog Stealin' ain't easy

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Pete swipped a video - which was cute! So I am swiping this...

TRUE STORY: Boo boo la la saw the commercial for the new cologne to mask dookie and chitlin's from Diddy and said,

Mom, that is NOT Barak Obama.

No it is not sweetie.

I don't like that man.

That's fine sweetie, that's fine.

My Personal Top Ten of 2008

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

So a lot of people are doing "Best Of..." and "Top Ten/Fifty/100" lists for 2008. I can not even hope to compete because:
I only saw, like, three movies in the theatre - Atonement (liked it), Mama Mia (GIVE YOURSELF OVER TO ABBA - it is SUPPOSED to be stupid and FUN!!! and Pierce Brosnan - me-OW!), and Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa - (Oh yeah baby, I am so hip!)
I only read text books and magazines, but I do recommend Wondertime to any parent.

I only saw ONE cool concert - Liz Phair (thanks go to Faux Martha for keeping me in the loop of cool moms). I do not think Nemo on Ice, Playhouse Disney Live and Disney on Ice count as cool or concerts...Nemo and Disney on Ice were AMAZINGLY fun though! AND we did go to The Swinging Nutcracker at Orchestra Hall with Jules, Riley and Jeff too... Boo Boo enjoyed feeding her Starburst to Jules and the dancers.

I really did not catch on to most Wii games, until I got my Wii Fit for Christmas - so it is not a "habit" yet...
...and I really did not go to many new restaurants, clubs, etc., either. I know LAME.

So what do I know?


Here are my TOP TEN BOO BOO LA LA moments of 2008!

10) Any trip to the Minnesota Zoo! ~ with friends, with grandpa & grandma, any day at the zoo is super-fun!

9) Pooping! The exploration of using the potty continues to exasperate Mommy, but the poops are funny to take pictures of...

8) Our trip to Breezy Point - ahhhhhhhh

7) Our end of year trip to Wisconsin - I love how well Boo Boo and Miss Kendall get along - and how they play nice with the other kids too.

6) Bathtime

5)Our nights when daddy and the other kids are not home...

4) Her fascination with the computer - it is growing exponentially and we are now playing GAMES!

3) Our trips to CVS pharmacy are a total blast - she knows all the people in there, because Mommy likes to stop and wander the drug that weird? She wants to immediately head back and get a drink from the water jug by the pharmacy counter and then wander the aisles with Mommy pointing out all the "Hanna 'tanna" stuff and where she sees Ariel too.

2) Boo Boo La La's "BEST FRIENDS" - she says EVERYONE is her best friend, but mostly Sair...sorry Snake.

1) CHRISTMAS!!!! If you know me you know I hate holidays where gifts are given to me...I do not really need much and it all feels so strange to me - (however I get really good gifts from some of my girlies who know me bestest!) Since Boo Boo came around though I love the whole thing from putting up lights to Christmas Morning. Thanks Boo Boo...Mommy loves you very much.

Interview with a Monkey...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Dr Monkey VonMonkerstien was interviewed and sent out an offer to interview others. As he and I sat down to chat over the holidays I took a large sip of my Caribou and exhaled in anticipation of the first question.

1) Is Minnesota weather really just 6 months of winter and 6 months of bad sledding? Ha ha ha ha...okay first of all it gets REALLY hot here in the summer. Yes, it has been very cold this winter, but we really just do not get the snow like we used to. Nothing like when I was a kid and had to snowshoe three miles uphill both ways to get to school. In blinding blizzards no less!!
p.s. I LOVE the cold. I always say you can put more clothes on, but you can only take so many off... ;)

2) If you could be a superheroine what would be your super power and what wold your costume look like? I would want to be invisible so I could check up on people...including the boo boo la la. Super-strength should come with that skill, right? And I would look like this...

3) Where did you meet your husband and when did you know he was "the one"? I have told this tale before...
Imagine June 1999 - it is HOT and HUMID in Minnesota and my brother, my buddy Kyle Ann and I decide we need some cold beers and sweaty singing. We head up to NordEast to hang at a place called Arrones -- not sure I would go there anymore, but at the time the bartender Mike* and the Karaoke chick were tons of fun --
We sit on one side of the bar, Mike gives us a cold one, and we begin to pick out our songs. If I remember accurately I probably sang (forgive me)
"Livin' La Vida Loca"
"Heartache Tonight"
"I touch myself."
But, wait! There at the "mic" is a cute guy in polo and shorts - and he is SINGING "Pretty Woman" ....I wonder if he will do the... Oh yeah, he can growl like Roy Orbison, SWEET!
I lean into Kyle Ann and say,
L - There is my boyfriend.
KA - HE's too old.
L - Too old for you maybe. Remember I have a few years on ya babe.
Brother Pete- HEY, should I go get my "Chocolate Salty Balls" cd and sing that?

Polo shirt and shorts finishes singing and starts to work his way around the bar to where we are sitting and gets halted by "Trucker Girl" wanting him to play pool.
L- Bitch, get away from my boyfriend.
KA - You need another drink.
FINALLY about midnight Polo shirt sits at the barstool next to mine -being the smooth chick I am I lean over toward him and say -
"You're cute, what is your name?"
Yes folks that is how I met the madman I am married to...he will say he sang the song because HE saw me first, I buy that, but he will also say that he TALKED to me first and that is a
bold-faced lie.
Just ask Kyle Ann, she was there. Unless she had too many Long Islands that night. ;)
p.s. the line I used on my hubby worked EVERY TIME. If you are single use it tonight!
BUT, how did I know he was the "one"? He did not give up. I tried to push him away thinking it was too fast to be so close to each other, but he just did not buy that. He was the right guy because he saw through me...see, he is the more sensitive of the two of us when it comes to the mushy-love stuff. Poor guy.
4) What are three foods you hate? Hate is such a strong word...I am always telling the kids not to use it. That said the three foods I just prefer to be striken from all menus on the planet are - fishsticks, sauerkraut, and mayonaise. While I realize mayonaise is a condiment...I just HATE it. All forms of it - "salad dressing", Miracle Whip, what-EVER it is gross.

5) What would you rather find in the trunk of your car a dirty stinking to high heaven diaper or a dead skunk? Since my car is a station wagon (and Hubs drives an Aviator) this is highly unlikely, but I would rather find the diaper. Dead animals of any kind skeeb me out! Ewww.

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