I cannot believe this picture was taken nearly a year ago when we first came home from the hospital. My mother and I were trying to figure out what was wrong...she was so mad about something! I loved that little froggie outfit - if it was clean, she wore it.

This is what I usually saw looking up at me on maternity leave...the I am hungry and WIDE AWAKE face. :) I took many pictures like this one.

Mornings as she was able to sit up - and afternoons when she woke from a nap - I was greated usually with a smile. She never used to be crabby when she woke up; I wonder when that changed?

Booger Lickin' Good!

Learning cool stuff - like my feet smell.

She is always making faces - just ALWAYS! Look at the evidence in ALL the picutes...

I used to have to MAKE her pose...that changed.

Hoppy Easter - or "The Bunny Santa" is coming to town...

I see this face A LOT! It says, "Mom, you are NOT serious."

Tired Pooker.

Again, she is embarrassed by me at a YOUNG age...

Did someone fart?

Peek-A-Boo! I see you...

Quite often she puts her hands to her face, fingers in mouth, when taking photos. It has begun to annoy me....
So she and I are even!

I am still not sure if she was annoyed, or confused. ;)

And now we are in our "Show Off" years.

This one says, "PLEASE can I have it?"

She gets TOTALLY excited by ANY present or treat.
I hope that lasts for a while...

She TRIES to be a mother hen...

I love my family a lot. I will sit with EVERYONE!

When I get tired...I get tired.

Such a happy face...I love this face.


Fashonista's at the after party from "The Paper Bag Princess" premiere.

Dressin' Up is fun to do!

I am Princess Osh Kosh of the Milky Way

Move over Beckham!

Here is what I hear, "See mama, I TOLD you..."

Frogs? Forget frogs. I kiss FISH!

Heidi Klum goes to pre-school...

I AM Ariel. Who are you?

Ha Ha Ha! Bouncy Houses are the best!

I plan on starring in "Zoolander: The rise of the Daughter"

I got a Barbie!

Daddy's little goofball say "Wha?"

This little light of mine...
I love to watch her shine and be silly and confused and just about everything.

Yes, I am ready for my next modeling gig in Paris.

Poor Boo Boo - she just wants to go to school.

She is my sweet angel and I love all of her faces.

ACK! The public cannot see me at the hair salon! Be GONE people!
But be back at 4pm for my birthday party.
Kisses, Boo Boo La La
Happy Birthday pretty girl! 4 is usuch a FUN age!
She is the cutest thing! Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Boo :) I love all of the pictures! Especially the Heidi Klum one and the last one in the hair salon. She is just too damn cute. It is amazing how time flies...
The Klum pic made me snort, so cute...happy bday;)
Oh, she is adorable! Happy Birthday little one.
I honestly got weepy. ME WEEPY! I loved the confused annoyed picture.
Happy birthday to her!!! I LOVE the one at the salon, soooo adorable!!!!
Thank you for the terrific collage, dear.
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