Each week, The (Un)Experienced Mom and Confessions From A Working Mom pick a category, then ask you to share your Top 3 thoughts on it!
This week...
If you could be a character in any movie, not the actor or actress but the character, who would it be and which movie?
#3 Would be if I could be a guy...cuz I would want to be Wooderson!!!

moving on then...
#2 I would have liked to have been Julie Andre in Daddy Long Leg's....never heard of it? Well, my family is BIG on old movies and I love love love this one. As I get older and have a daughter though, it is a little creepy. I even read this book!
#1 Speaking of OLD MOVIES. Who WOULDN'T want to be Scarlett O'Hara.
Heck I would even want to be her in the TV Movie SCARLETT!
wow! those are...interesting ;)
Love Scarlett. Great pick!
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