This tiny 16 month-old precious little girl now has to fight for her life. She could be your child.
She could be my child...
It makes me cry to think about how this could change your life so quickly...
I want to grab my Boo Boo and hold her tight and cry my eyes out...especially when I know that that isn't enough to keep her safe from something like that.
Are you ready to help?
First of all, pray for Monkey. Pray for her family. Pray for strength, pray for healing, pray for her doctors, her nurses, her technicians, just pray. A Lot!
Next, go follow Mama's Pixie Dreams. That link will take you right to the post about Monkey's diagnosis. Just follow and tell her you are keeping them in your thoughts and prayers.
A few weeks ago I first ran into Ian, at The Daily Dose of Reality here in the blogosphere...he is THE MAN!
Ian is organizing a fundraiser to help this family. Because as if this isn't enough of an emotional nightmare for this family, it will also be a financial nightmare.
Now go FOLLOW IAN...look for his post next Wednesday, explaining exactly how donations and a raffle are going to work.
But, for now: can you help?
Do you have something that you can donate?
Maybe you can work your magic on a company and get a big ticket item.
Or maybe you are a company who can donate. Make a big donation and I'll blog about how fabulous you are, tweet about, etc. And there are other blogs that would do the same thing for you!
But, it doesn't have to be something big.
Do you have an Etsy shop? Can you make something?
Do you have a blog? Can you donate a guest spot on it? Ad space on the side of your blog?
Do you do blog design? Can you make a button?
Anything at all would be helpful.
Email Ian at thedailydoseofreality(at)gmail.com to let him know what you can help with.
He will also have a paypal account set up by Wednesday so that you can donate directly to the Pixie family.
You can also grab Monkey's button at Ian's blog.
And once again, PRAY!
Peace, Mommy Lisa
I am praying...go to AnthonyDesigns.etsy.com I will be glad to donate somewthing;)
It's one of our own, you know? It could so easily be us in Mama Pixie's shoes.
Praying, praying, praying.
I have some art prints that I will donate..Ive already gone over and followed and will continue to pray...this is very painful....!!
I will be donating for sure. This such breaks my heart.
I just went over there the other day. So sad.
Thanks for sharing this, Lisa. On my way to see how I can help.
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