I finally watched Avatar - my baby has seen it THREE TIMES. Yes, she is four - she does NOT get scared by much.
We took her to Where the Wild Things Are and she was dancing in her seat and proclaimed it THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!!
I have heard all the talk about it just being a remake of Fern Gully
, but I never saw that.
So? What do I know?
I know that this was the most BEAUTIFUL movie I have ever seen.
I know that it kept me captivated.
I also know that my daughter has already committed this movie and its message to memory and heart.
That is enough for me to say you should watch it too.
I havent wanted to see this one...but reading this, I think I will give it a try ;)
I so was not interested...my hubby convinced me to watch it.
WAAAY better than I expected.
I have had no desire to see this movie, but you are the second blogger that has said it was good.
I think I am almost to the point where I want to rent it-almost. lol
I just might need one or two more good reviews of it! :-)
Thanks for stopping by.
-->I liked it better a second time but now my three year old loves to watch The Blue People movie.
I loved this movie (and I have seen Fern Gully and would never had made that connection!)I agree that the views are beautiful and I too was captivated by it. We saw it a few times in the theater and now own a copy for ourselves. Glad you loved it too!
I have this weird movie amnesia that happens. Pretty much as soon as I finish watching a movie I forget the entire thing. The plot, the characters, everything. Yet I can quote Disney movies. Apparently that's about all my brain can handle! :p
What I'm trying to say is that I know that I loved Fern Gully but I remember nothing of it so I think I'd enjoy Where the Wild Things Are.
I have this on my netflix and can't wait to see it!
I'm following you now...sorry so late,I'm bad about that!
I didn't want to see it at all but my husband finally dragged me to it in the theater and it is by far my favorite movie EVER. Was AMAZING!
AWESOME! Hubby and Otter LOVE this movie. I just bought it but I haven't watched it yet. Can't wait!
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