No not the aliens. I am almost as afraid of them as I am of The Real Housewives of New Jersey...
gawd, Don't Tell Theresa I said that!
Earliest memories; today you get a few of mine.
One of my earliest memories living in Blue Earth was the Tupperware...everywhere! My mommy sold Tupperware and I had all the TOYS
. Perfect, cuz I was only 2.5.
Then we moved from that blue house in Blue Earth to an OLD house. I remember getting my big girl bed complete with pink canopy & getting our doggy. I recall my mother asking me what we should name him and I said in a very serious little voice, "Rufus." Yes, I had another Rufus...
Then we moved to a farmhouse and I have a distinct memory here! My mother told me NOT to drink all the pickle juice from the jar and my nearly four-year-old did NOT listen (pattern?) and I drank ALL the pickle juice in the jar, then proceeded to THROW UP a streak of pickles and juice from the living room - through the kitchen - into the bathroom. poor mom!
There are many more. Trying to poop in the dark in the potty in my room. (stairs were treacherous in the old farmhouse.) My brother needing the Vick's Vaporizor as a baby & PEEING at me when I was helping mom change him. Walking home from school, getting picked on at daycare for only using the purple crayon on a picture - I VARIED the pressure and design to create my masterpiece.
And I REALLY remember the Blue Earth Fairgrounds where:
- My parents put all of us kids in the back of a truck to shuck corn for the Jaycees booth in the grandstand. (DADDY WAS THE PRESIDENT!)
- I played pick-a-duck and rode the Tilt-A-Whirl with my babysitter.
- We had my cool birthday party with the lemon cake with whipped cream frosting and plastic yellow flowers...that was my favorite!
I had a charmed childhood. Summers with grandparents who doted on the only grandchild who lived within 1000 miles of them & parents who took me EVERYWHERE.
Now, how about you? What is YOUR earliest memory?
LOL, my earliest memory... what a fun question!!! I think it would have to be when I was about 3.5. We had just moved into our house, and my friend Faith and her mom had come over to visit. I remember running like a crazy woman around the room, thinking it was SOOOOO big compared to our old house!
At least, that's the first memory I have that wasn't artificially "created" by a snapshot in a photo album... you know what I mean?
Elizabeth, that is FOR CUTE.
Doesn't a new house always seem so BIG! ;)
I threw out my dinner in the trash when dad wasn't looking. little modg butt paid for that one.
I'm not mom in a million but I got here first so there. My earliest memory is being in the back of a convertible and the top was down. From what my parents have said, I was around 2 or 3. I'm pretty sure I think my carseat was red and plastic. The top was down. Those were extra safe times in my life.
My earliest memory is of kneeling on something and looking out the window. If I'm correct about timing, I was kneeling on a box, the window was of our New York apartment (that we were about to move out of), and I was watching the Tall Ships come up the Hudson for the bicentennial. I was not quite three. Pretty cool, huh?
Sitting on the stairs of our old house in Duluth, waiting for my Mom or Dad to see me and hopefully make me a PB&J.
I sat there a long time, but eventually I got my sandwich.
Too bad the sugar kept me up all night after that.
It's 3:30 in the afternoon and I absolutely can't think of anything. For real. My mind is a total sad is that.
I love pickles, but I don't think I've ever drank the juice...THAT is hilarious!
My earliest memory is of my dad getting me out of my crib after nap and carrying me on his shoulders to dinner!
Poor mom is right! Pickle Puke? GROSS!
My earliest memory is of playing tea party at my Grandma's house. I can date it, because she died when I was 3. I remember that she let me use all her real china and real silver, which is crazy indulgent. And it's especially sweet to me now because I have inherited this very china and silver - we use it every holiday!
What wonderful memories!
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