The Drama Mama at The Scoop on Poop
gave me this award for being a Stylish Blogger
I like that...
However, now I am to give you FIVE SECRETS about me???
Okay - I will give you random and silly secrets.
- When I was little my Grandpa Bye told me I was magic...he told me to close my eyes and wish he would disappear and it would happen. I did and he did! I am sure he just went in the garage and hid on me, but I was sure I was magic...
- My babysitter and I wanted to watch The Holocaust on television - my mom told us not to watch it because my brother was too little. He vomited from one scene and my babysitter vaccumed it up!
- I HATE it when anyone tries to touch my belly button...
- I am not tickle-ish.
- When I get nervous about something I feel like I have to pee every five minutes.
There you go!
Now to give this award to Five Stylish Bloggers:
Iris at My Life in Purple - she is FABULOUS you know. (and a beautiful Canadian!)
Cathy at Antsy Pants - enjoy her Booze Days! (& because I owe her a guest post!)
Rebecca at Just Be! - she is the most Beautiful Geek I know...
The Town & Country Mom - finds awesome stuff
Michelle at {So Wonderful, So Marvelous} because I still owe her a guest post for next Friday!
So, who do you love?
Hmmm...I'll have to go check out these blogs. I love finding new friends through awards postings!!
I'm glad you enjoyed your award!
Awww, you're so wonderful. I love you!!
And, I absolutely hate when someone tries to touch my belly's SO GROSS!
Thanks so much for the award! That is so cool that you lived in Norway--it must have been amazing!
Congrats on the award!
Lisa you rock. I don't usually do the awards, but I'm going to do my five secrets here because this one is too fun.
1. My husband got a promotion yesterday and I feel like telling people, but so many of our friends are out of work or losing jobs that I feel guilty.
2. I used to sell sex toys for one of the home parties and it was the most fun job ever.
3. I had the BIGGEST crush on a guy at my corporate job who was very high in the company, powerful, handsome, and charismatic... I saw him on tv last night and he looks worse for the wear!
4. I hit a curb once in my mom's car (aside from the driving up steps thing I already told you about) and never told her... she discovered it when the alignment in the car was all out of whack.
5. When I was 5 I yelled the F-word at the kid down the street. My love of the Fbomb started early apparently... my mom washed my mouth out with soap and put me in her room. I proceeded to spit and lick her pillow because I was mad at her.
congrats my friend ;)
congrats my friend
Thanks lovey!
p.s. is that guest post on it's way?? I leave tomorrow.
Thank for the props Lisa (despite my lack of posting lately)!! See ya in few days!!
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