Random Saturday Dreams

Saturday, November 27, 2010

This morning I woke up - I awoke from some strange and wonderful and heart-breaking and scary and happy dreams. 

In my dreams I was a single mom, but much younger than I am now...
Boo Boo La La was still my baby, but she was about 7 or 8 and something tragic had happened to T-bone... Boo Boo and I were living in the big bad city and Mommy was...
Don't quit your day job ML!
Yup, my COVER job was as the headliner in a Burlesque show in NYC.  My REAL job was that I was a costumed crime fighter with a friend that I love and adore like he's a brother - even though I only get to "see" him on Twitter and Facebook these days.  Which is better than the fact I didn't see him at all for years... 
We were fighting crime because of the tragedy - but it wasn't helping me feel a ton better, but it was rewarding to "cuff 'em". 

I also had a friend in my dreams getting married that I don't see nearly often enough because I enjoy her talks so much.  We are always missing each other at events - one of us can't be there at all or we arrive as the other is getting ready to leave - funny part is she is already married. 
Anyway us AOPi's messed her ceremony up but GOOD.  None of us could figure out the correct way to walk in and line up down the aisles....it was pretty comical, even to her.  Can you imagine about 15 girls in peachy colored dresses and high heels bumping into each other and stepping on guests in a sanctuary?  Yeah that was how it was in my dream...

The even WEIRDER thing was that for some reason at different points in my dream people were giving me
I am a bear of very little brain...and long words bother me.
Yup - Pooh Bear's of all sizes and colors and ages...some very old and worn that I was told were mine when I was young, but I don't recall having ANY Pooh Bear dolls. 

Aren't dreams strange things? 

Hope you had some sweet dreams last night.

Winner! Bloom Bag from Envirosax

Friday, November 26, 2010

Cathy Wins!

We are Thankful....

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Boo Boo La La and I got home from a morning at our YMCA...

I got 40 minutes on the cross-trainer and an uninterrupted shower and time to dress and dry my hair.

Boo Boo got to play in the kid's gym and run around with other kids.

We stopped at Mickey D's for cinnamon melts and a latte for mom - and I also bought her the "toy" - she is thankful for her new Hello Kitty watch and our cat - Roofis...
Do I get turkey?
Jake got up before NOON!  T-bone congratulated him on the effort.

We are thankful - but we probably won't eat until 4 or 5pm now because I had all the charcoal in T-bone's truck with me at the Y.  Whoops.

Enjoy your day!

We are going to call Sair at her mom's, watch Sponge Bob, and play the Ladybug Game. 

And don't forget my giveaway ends tonight - we announce the winner tomorrow. 
Happy Black Friday to that person!

Merry Christmas - Peace - Love - Joy, you know all that B.S. ;)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Boo Boo La La is spending the morning and early afternoon with GRAMPA!!

She loves Grampa.  And Gramma had to go on a quilting trip with her girlies...she is making ME a quilt.  And well, T-bone gets to use it too I guess.


That meant last night T-bone and I were ALONE!  Heaven forbid!

And today I am cleaning out her toybox, which has NEVER been done. 
(she still has the baby link ring toys in there people!)

So I share our Holiday Card with you! 

Dear Friends & Contest Entrants!

Friday, November 19, 2010

I am hosting a giveaway here - and Envirosax gave me a bag to do it. 

But recently there have been articles, like the one in the New York Times, and so I am sharing what Envirosax shared with me about THEIR bags.

Here are some facts to put your mind at ease (and get you to enter the contest!):

  • Envirosax bags are made from a high grade woven polyester NOT non-woven polypropylene.
  • Non-woven polypropylene material may break down in UV light (sunlight) dispersing potentially toxic particles over your food, car, home etc. Polyester material does not do this. 
  • The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) is a recently introduced US legislation that establishes maximum safe levels of lead content in various consumer products, and establishes a certification process to ensure those products are safe for use by children. All Envirosax reusable bags have been tested for lead by an approved CPSA laboratory, Applied Technical Services Inc. in the USA and found to be in compliance with all applicable safety guidelines. 
  • All Envirosax reusable bags have been tested by Applied Technical Services Inc. down to 10 parts per million (ppm) and no lead was found at this level. 
  • Many cheap non-woven polypropylene bags tested as high as 500ppm, most hit 100ppm posing potential health risks.

So - I trust these bags - I always have.
Just DO NOT forget to wash them...that's a whole other contaminant.
And if you are holiday shopping for MOI - I would love love love Slingsax 3 and Minisax 3!
just sayin'

Okay - I can see why he is sexy.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

For Candice...

Four Days of Bliss - I hope.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I want PIE!
And for you to enter the giveaway that ends midnight on November 24th, 2010 to enter - Central Time Zone!

Hey there, Foxy Lady!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We are PARKED here - she rides in a booster seat!

My girl is usually not so keen on getting up, ahem.

However, I knew this morning I needed to get gas - and as gas prices went up a bit this week I wanted to use my accumulated coupons from Cub for their own Cub Fuel station.  I needed a bribe to get her up and out the door about 7am for my plan to work...

Last night:

"Boo Boo, do you want to go tomorrow morning EARLY with mommy to Cub before we go to J's house?  You can get a donut."

Now, a donut is the ULTIMATE treat in my child's eyes.  Especially the frosted, sprinkled, cinnamon swirled ones from Cub, but she said,

"ehhhhhhh, (whine) but I CAN'T get up EARLY mama, I don't WANT TO GET UP EARLY."
This of COURSE accompanied by stomping and wiggling.

"I will wake you and remind you we can get a donut."

"Okaaaay, if you help me."

This morning:

I go into her room and get her up and out of jammies for "nakkie time" and watching of - huh? 

Handy Manny?  Apparently Sponge Bob was not in order this morning...uh oh.
I am the shizz!
Boo Boo???
Apparently it meant nothing though because we got dressed, did not forget backpacks or notes or lunch, and we were out the door by 7:05am.  We went into Cub and got a donut, some mandarin oranges that looked yummy, a fresh loaf of bread and headed over to the Cub Fuel.

I sit there sorting out my coupons and pulling out my debit card...

"Mom!  Look a FOX!"
Are you joking?
"No LOOK over THERE!"
Huh, there she is - look at that...

We watched her walk along the fence between the parking lot and the highway and deftly climb up and over to the highway side and walk along some more before she disappeared in the brush.

"We gotta call DADDY and tell him we saw a FOX!"

And we told daycare too - and

J told me that a fox this summer SAT ON HER FRONT STOOP watching the kids eat breakfast...AND furthermore her old dog Blue used to PLAY with another fox all winter for TWO winters.  The fox would come to their back door and Blue and the Fox would both WHINE until she let Blue out to play.  For REALZ!

I mean I knew we had an Urban Fox neighborhood, but really? 

Oh and Boo Boo, good eyes baby!  I also pat myself on the back here for all the zoo visits and pointing out cool stuff on our drives and walks everywhere.

Oh and YOU - enter my giveaway already! It's easy - enter with a comment or a tweet!

Relaxing weekends just don't happen...

Monday, November 8, 2010

You would think after more than ten years of having children as a part of my life I would be used to the fact that a relaxing weekend just does not happen.  This weekend started with laundry and ended this morning when I filled the crockpot for tonight's dinner.

Oh sure, you get to lay there comatose for two minutes or so every ten hours, but really you never let go of that little ball of tension - right there - you know, between your shoulders. 

Women carry the weight of the world.

"Working Woman" is a total farce of a phrase.  If you see a woman anywhere, she is working. 

If she is at the park she is wondering when is the last time little Suzy went potty, oh and Jeffery needs a haircut.  Where did I put that coupon for Great Clips?

If she is at the grocery store she is already planning the meals out for the next week while keeping an eye on her "Future Customer" ramming the mini-shopping cart into the displays.

When she is at coffee with girlfriends or trying to relax with any other form of "me" time?  She is wondering how she and her husband are possibly going to afford XYZ. 

All this while her freshly washed kitchen floor is getting chocolate sauce dripped on it that just won't get wiped up until she arrives home.

And if she is single?  Woah - she has a job too.  Be perfect.  Because single gals are supposed to "have it all" you know.  Double that if she is married and has no kids.  Why OBVIOUSLY that means her life is "perfect".

It all sucks.

But if we weren't women how else would we be able to enjoy little things.

Like hearing how our daughter is "helping teach" the other little kids at daycare about shapes when they are playing play-doh. 

Come home to dinner made by a proud husband/boyfriend/roomate.

Have a friend bring over a bottle of wine "just" when you need it most?

Without all the bad - boring - awful - tear jerking times...we would not get all the small (or big if you are lucky) joyful, blissful moments. 

Almost every morning getting my daughter out of bed and dressed is a struggle. 

What to eat, if she eats.  What to wear, or if she even wants to get dressed "just yet".  Don't get me started on brushing hair...

But every time it is fine. 
Because when I buckle her into the booster seat she looks at me and gives me a smooch and a "Love you Mama."   Or I get a big theatrical blown kiss out the front window of daycare. 
And not one struggle matters.

well...maybe the hair brushing.

Okay - I found a video worthy of reviving my FRIDAY VIDEO

Friday, November 5, 2010

It matters NOT what you think of Randy Moss...this is just funny.

"Well Dick, I give it an 8 because it has a nice beat and you can dance to it."

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY - Envirosax Bloom!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Well, you are going to hear it again until you get it, got it?
They ROCK hard.
I used to be you.  I used to think -
"I can NEVER remember those darn bags to save my LIFE and its just a waste to buy them."
then I found this:

Envirosax eco-bags roll up into a tidy little bundle.
And you can get five of them into one of these!  
I use them for groceries, clothing, at the drugstore - EVERYWHERE I shop.
yes, even at Costco!
They are tested to carry up to 44 POUNDS of stuff!
They are water-resistant
They are FULLY washable and do not fade.
Ethically Made
Envirosax make a GREAT gift for someone
become a gift to future generations by not making more waste in our landfills.

You can look this cool by getting yours at www.envirosax.com
Or, you could enter the giveaway...Yes, you can have the Bloom 2 Bag just like I got from Envirosax...

The Bloom 2 Bag is really my new favorite and just about the prettiest bag I have ever met.

The details?

Please go to Envirosax website and tell me which set you like and how you would use the bags in YOUR life...that will equal ONE entry.

Then if you Tweet about this Envirosax Giveaway comment again and you will get a SECOND entry.

That's it - two ways to enter - one Bloom 2 bag to win! 
Please ensure your email is connected to your profile OR you must leave it in the comments so I have a way to contact you if you win.
Envirosax (Thanks Julia!) will send you the bag after we send them your address!
I DID receive a Bloom 2 bag in consideration for this giveaway!  I love it!
You have until midnight on November 24th, 2010 to enter - Central Time Zone!
I will announce the winner on Thankgiving Day! gobble gobble
(or Thursday, November 25th for my Canadian pals!)

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