Mastercard needs a new ad agency...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Seriously?  This commercial is BUGGING ME SO MUCH.  I couldn't find the US version, but the Aussie version is basically the same video with different voice-over.

Why on EARTH Mastercard would you want to have commercial that showed a guy buying a toothbrush "just in case" for a FIRST DATE?!?!?!?!

No, I am not a prude and I realize that people have sex on first dates sometimes...but really Mastercard?  Do you have to go there?  And if you are going to "go there" where were the condoms he should have purchased for this first date?  Hmmmm?  Too MUCH for your television audience Mastercard?  Then DON'T have someone buying a g-d TOOTHBRUSH "JUST IN CASE" for a FIRST FREAKING DATE. 

If I were that girl and found out he did would have been OVER right then and there. 

*clears throat and steps off soapbox*

Enjoy your weekend and don't forget to brush and floss peeps.


Meri said...

Wouldn't the toothbrush be implying that he was hoping to get a kiss?
I'm with you on thinking commercials, as a whole, are pathetic.

Claudya Martinez said...

I guess they are really into dental hygiene.

Professor Chaos said...

I think the bigger crime is the background music. Dear God! I can't tell if it's supposed to sound like '70's cop-show music or '70's porno music.

maren said...

Couldn't agree more! I'm amazed at some of the commercials out there these days and all they imply. It's really frustrating...then to think that my kids will continue to be bombarded with this stuff as they grow older--really depresses me if I think about it too long! Hope you're having a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I have seen this and I think it's kind of funny! Rather daring for mastercard! If a man had a toothbrush for me, I would probably walk out of his place (unless it was the next morning and I really needed it!) :)

Mouthy Housewife said...

Ha! I totally agree w/you.


Anti-Supermom said...

Yeah, I'm hoping it's just that he hopes to get a kiss and not, well... you know.

Chicagodan said...

Mastercard has now changed the "just in case" line to "for that dazzling smile," at least here in the U.S. I'm far from being a prude, but I too fail to see why MC felt they had to "go there."

.Auntie.Kel. said...

So, I have so say that I've never been on your blog before, but I have felt the same way about this! I just saw it again, but this time instead of "just in case", they changed it to "for his dazzling smile"! They must have changed it because of complaints!! I Googled this just to see if it had been put in writing somewhere, and you popped up.

Good to know someone else felt the same way :) Take care!

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