This? This got all the press at Christmas...

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Okay - this thing is "cool" obviously.  I mean it keeps your WINE CHILLED perfectly.

However...look at it.

And it is filled with a viscose fluid.

Yes, I am ten. But, I made my BIL titter when I said "viscose fluid". 


sprinkles said...

I've never heard of this thing, but cool!

Unknown said...

Never seen it... we might get it to Norway NEXT year.. lol Hope you had a very merry Christmas! :-)

Slamdunk said...

As with your other commenters Lisa, this one is new to me. I'll have to ask my father-in-law the wine guru.

Anyway, I hope you and the family have a Happy New Year.

Lesli said...

I want one! Happy New Year, Lisa! xoxo

gretchen said...

Okay, you just made me giggle with "viscose fluid" too.

Unknown said...

I would use that EVERY DAY. Viscose fluid and all.

the cape on the corner said...

the corksicle! i was thinking about getting this!

sprinkles said...

Hope you're having a happy new year!

Anti-Supermom said...

Apparently, you drink more wine than I do (which is a lot), but this is my first time hearing of this... I like it.

And 'hi', good to see you again ;)

Claudya Martinez said...

I've never seen it either.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I have never heard of that before. Interesting.

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