I live with a Rockstar & Boo Boo too.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I didn't tell you guys.  It was during the dark ages when I was posting a blog about once a month - you know the last year or so?

I have to stop mentioning that, right?

A friend of ours works in Social Media Marketing and asked me on Facebook if Boo Boo could sit for some pictures to use in a new website redesign.  They had asked him if he knew any cute little girls and OF COURSE Boo Boo came to mind.  To be fair, he sees her everyday as his boys go to the same daycare.

So my dear baby got to have a very glamorous experience.

The let her wear PURPLE

She got hair and makeup!!
She got to see the results.

....and then back to normal in the parking lot.

And just a few weeks ago my friend sent me a message via Facebook once again.

The site was live...

And Panda - Stole the show.  He is a Rockstar of keeping his chin up, what with that head injury and all....


gretchen said...

Gorgeous!! She IS a rock star.

Emma said...

She is just adorable!

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