I wear cool sunglasses and follow directions.

Friday, February 1, 2013

I was going to join The Spin Cycle with Second Blooming and put up my old blog where I talked about OnStar...but I forgot it was on our Chevy Mom's WordPress blog and that no longer exists.  Boo!

So, you get a video.

The Scherber's Go To The Zoo! from Lisa Scherber on Vimeo.

I am a very good driver.  :)  Stay WARM - it is -28 with the wind chill out there!

Second Blooming


Slamdunk said...

Go Lisa; you are a natural.

And I also appreciate seeing green and spring as your video background; I needed that about now.

Enjoy your weekend.

gretchen said...

The Chevy people need to see this and give you a commercial!! Trust me, I know this stuff. I want to go to the zoo! Well, in the summer, anyway.

You are linked!! Thanks for joining in!

Ginny Marie said...

Loved the vlog! We ate a picnic in the back of our van this summer, too, when we couldn't find a place to eat. It was fun!

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