Boo Boo is not feeling well today....

Friday, October 16, 2015

My poor baby woke me up about 5:10 am not feeling well.

Her tummy ached, but no fever.

She tossed her cookies, and popcorn, and dinner, anyway.

Now.  She has been sleeping since just before 7am.  It is 9:30 and I was checking my "Facebook Memories" it led me to my post asking for help deciding on her play kitchen for Christmas. 

But you know what it reminded me of?  My sassy girl in this video.

And if that can't make you laugh after getting up too early to deal with are dead inside.

Have a great weekend!!!
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Throwback Thursday - A little story

Thursday, October 8, 2015

I am participating today in Mama Kat's World Famous Writer's Workshop - but with an oldie.

I am terribly sorry if you don't like leftovers, but that is what you get today.

It is prompt 4) Something funny your child said.  - And I think we can agree Boo Boo La La is pretty entertaining so....

This story is from March 6, 2010.

I have a pretty good one today.  If you like fart stories that don't?  Well, you have not been here for the poop stories then, huh?

I remember it like it was Thursday morning, because it was Thursday morning.  Boo Boo and I were ready to leave and I went around the house ensuring lights were off and no dangerous articles were left burning somewhere.  I got back to where Boo Boo was in the dining room and she was leaning against the table and making funny faces...upon seeing me she said,

My butt itches, so I am trying to fart.

Hmm-mmm, farting makes it stop itching?

YES MAMA, you know THAT!  (more faces and butt sticking out)  I can't fart and my butt itches!

Maybe you will fart in the car like Daddy, come on let's go.

Okay, that might work....

Ahhh, yes.  Imagine the joy of a pre-teen Boo Boo when she hears she tried to learn to fart on command to relieve butt itchiness.

I would say my work is done here for today.  Have a farty-party weekend!


I will be back this weekend with a new story or two.  Have a great Thursday! #TBT
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