I have Pinterest, Twitter, Google+.
I am on Facebook, I have a blog, and I deleted my MySpace account.
I thought I was hip. I mean I watch RHONY and WWHL!!!?!
Apparently I am #Clueless
I got a free two-month subscription to Sirius for my car and I have been listening to Radio Andy. This morning a show was on that I had not heard before where they are talking about what is going on in Social Media and they were reading tweets between three young "stars" Azealea Banks, Zayn Malik and Skai Jackson - who is actually the only one I had heard of because I have a ten-year-old girl.
Apparently Miss Banks likes to bully people and use racial slurs - Skai Jackson told her to chill out and a Twitter war ensued. Long story short, the 14-year old Skai made the 20-something Azealea look like a bully AND an idiot.
All while not using profanity or any slurs.
And while I think it was cool she stood up for herself - it is amazing that there are grown people all over the internet and the airwaves who are getting PAID to "report" this stuff.
What does it say about our Trump-voting-Kardashian-watching-Duggar-praying-Gossip-having culture today that this was so easily Google-able and I got a MAGNITUDE of results outlining this Twitter feud?
Yes, I have Pinterest, Twitter, Google +, Facebook and a blog. I watch Bravo and have listened to Radio Andy.
But, I don't think of gossip as news.
I feel #clueless as to why people don't seem to know the difference.
A lot of people don't seem to care that there is a difference.

A lot of people don't seem to care that there is a difference.

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