This policy is valid from April 15, 2011
This blog is a personal LIFE-blog written and edited by me. I am Mommy Lisa - a Mom, Step-Mom, Wife, Daughter, Friend, Chicky-babe and Kick-Ass Laundress. (Just ask me about the time I got grime and five day old blood out of a white t-shirt). Contact me if you want to know more about me at mommylisa21 (at) gmail (dot) com.
I like to blog and have no problem accepting payment for blogging. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions, contextual advertising, or other forms of compensation. You could even loan me a car for a month...
Blog topics may be influenced by sponsorship. For example, if a site that sells vaccum cleaners sends me one to review - the post topic may be inspired by the sponsorship, but the content will be mine and the opinions expressed will be honest. And you might see just how dirty my floors get too. #winning
I respect my readers and will not compromise by accepting offers to review items I would not use in my daily life. In the end this blog is about my life, not the sponsors. All sponsored posts will be identified as such. I may review other items I find useful and/or helpful that I have NOT been compensated for in any way. I will clue you in if that is the case as well.
In short you will know MY opinion on any topic, product or service if I write about it on my blog.
This policy can change without notice.